Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 1

The 2010-2011 School Year has begun!

DD15 & DD13 are both working on course work for high school credit this year.  However, they are currently spending two weeks in the Midwest with relatives -- I've heard they've been horseback riding, clay oven building, jelly making, swimming, apple picking, concert attending, tractor driving...real living, real learning.

The rest of us got out the school books we currently have and got started!

Bible time: New this year.  A last minute addition.  This week it consisted of DS10 reading a Psalm followed by each of us (DS10, DS8 & I) reading a verse from Proverbs 10, a short prayer by me, and finally a singing of "Father I Adore You" while holding hands and walking in a circle around DD9mo.  It was a good addition to the week, but DS5 is not engaged (except during the song!) and none of us recalls much about what we've read by dinner.

Memory Binders: Also new this year.  Each boy has one with his work listed in the front in a page protector.  Following in page protectors are memory/copywork items including full name & address, days of the week, continents, seasons, etc.  They have the week to copy all in permanent marker (erasable with rubbing alcohol). On Saturday they recite what they know for Dad.  If they have something memorized it will go to the back of the binder.  If not, they'll copy it again next week.

Five in a Row: Peter Rabbit from Vol 2.  We listed all the vegetables Mr. McGregor grew and looked them up in seed catalogs.  Then DS8 made a graph of how long til harvest each one took.  While he was graphing, DS10 & DS5 attempted this How to Draw a Rabbit Lesson. DS10's two drawings are at the top! We made current buns...the recipe I found on the internet wasn't the best though.

DS10 began Math-U-See Pre-Algebra, Singapore's Challenging Word Problems 4 and Comic Strip Math. He orally completed the first several rules & exercises in Woolley's New Handbook of Composition (graciously borrowed from my mom's school days).  I think this will be a favorite!  He read aloud from CLP's Nature Reader 4, completed 2 labs in RSO's Chemistry, and read Linnea's Almanac by Cristina Bjork.

DS8 began Singapore's Challenging Word Problems 2, read And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz and started her The Cabin Faced West, and started a review of the rules from First Language Lessons.  When we get to where we left off last year we'll go back to the book.  He read aloud from CLP's Nature Reader 2 and started a Sound & Light science book.

DS5 learned the 5 vowels from Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading and played 2 math & 2 phonics games.

DD9mo spent her time primarily squirrel-watching, but she also work on improving her crawl and trying out her two bottom teeth...


Mom31257 said...

It sounds like an awesome week. I'm glad you're like the Psalms idea. What fun your older kids are getting to have!

Monica said...

I don't think any kind of direction could help me draw a rabbit, lol. Have you moved yet? Sounds like a good week!

Tonia said...

Looks like a very good week! I like the idea of the memory binder!

Monica said...

Nice...I'm jealous! :)

MissMOE said...

I'm working on putting together a memory binder for each of my kids this weekend. I loved reading how you do yours. Looks like a very workable system.

TechWife said...

I think its great you're approaching memory work in such an organized manner - I've never been able to get the knack of that. Sounds like you had a great week - you must be looking forward to seeing your oldest two when they return home!