Friday, August 5, 2011

TOG Ancients Projects: Nile, Anubis, Salt Dough maps

DS8's beginning of a working "Nile" in a planter box: 
tin foil in the shape of the river (note delta on the left, which is appropriately North!), 
weighted down with some marbles and glass gems, grass seed planted on the banks

He will flood the Nile with water and hopefully the seeds will grow!

DD14's acrylic painted Anubis

We made salt dough maps at our 2 family co-op for TOG Week 1
 and then painted them when they dried. 
 I asked the older ones to use several landform terms we learned.  
Here are a few of them.

DD16 - you're never too old for salt dough!

DD14 - some high level place in World of Warcraft

DS5 - I think those are caves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some good-looking salt-dough maps! Ours hasn't dried completely....