Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time4Learning -- checking it out for 30 days!

Over the next 30 days, I will be reviewing Time4Learning's online education program. It can be used as a homeschool curriculum, an afterschool tutorial or for summer learning. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. You can write your own curriculum review, too!

The above is the required text for my free 30 days!  I've heard of Time4Learning but never checked it out before.  I signed my 3 boys (grades 6, 3 & 1) up and am looking forward to turning them loose in the learning environment!

Speaking of environment, we are changing ours...we are having tile installed in our kitchen and hardwood in the rest of the house.  Goodbye, nasty carpet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My daughter has been using T4L for three years and really likes it. Can't wait to read your review.
