Saturday, April 4, 2015

International Guitar Month 2015: Cake!

April is International Guitar Month!  To celebrate we made a cake.  When I say "we", I really mean my DD18.  She made the cake (using this amazing Super Decadent Chocolate Cake recipe), cut it out, and frosted it.  I did purchase the candy.  And we all ate it!  Even DD5 ate the cake -- usually she takes one bite of cake and then just eats the frosting. 
International Guitar Month April 2015 CAKE

Why are we celebrating International Guitar Month at our house?  DD18 and my dh are taking guitar lessons!  I'd say it was a father-daughter bonding time, but she goes to her electric guitar lesson and he goes to his classical guitar lesson.  And never the twain shall meet.
Guitar Cake Candy for International Guitar Month April 2015 from

They both declined to play for the family today.  But at least we could all agree on chocolate cake!

And maybe in honor of International Guitar Month we will all learn the parts of a guitar -- instead of continuing to say things like "What is the top part of the guitar called?  The part with those sticking out bits?" 
Cordoba Guitar for International Guitar Month April 2015 from

Do you have a favorite guitarist?  We're always looking for new talent to enjoy!

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